Saturday, March 17, 2007


I'm celebrating my thirty first birthday this weekend. Somehow, it doesn't feel like a weekend out of the ordinary. I'll be gardening, grocery shopping and relaxing on Saturday. I picked up some gorgeous flowers after work Friday night. Sunday, I may slip out for a pedicure and some light shopping early in the day. Then I'm meeting up with some friends in the early afternoon for a rousing game of cards (Nertz!) and dinner. Then, probably more cards. It'll be fun.

I don't really feel the need to make a big deal out of birthdays these days. I've never felt comfortable having the spotlight all to myself, anyways.

Another year gone by, things stay pretty much the same. But each year gets better and better. I like that.


I am such a freak. It's over eighty degrees outside, and I'm not running the air conditioner. I've got the windows thrown open and every fan on in the house. I guess that living five years without a/c did something positive for me. I'll save the a/c for when it hits ninety….


Gardening amazes me. What's so amazing? Besides the fact that I seem to be somewhat good at it? Seeing something grow…monitoring its progress day after day. It seems like yesterday that some of these things were just bulbs in the ground, and today they're blooming. Yesterday, there was no color. Today, the plant is awash in bright blooms. I'm loving nurturing these things. Seeing them thrive and grow under the care of my watchful eye. Amazing, indeed.


LOVE my dogs. Big words, coming from me. See, I'm a cat person. C-A-T. But Fred opened my heart to a love I didn't think could exist, and here it is. And Sadie just deepened that love. Both of my dogs were not wanted by someone else. I've taken in their cast-offs and fallen in love with them. I have eternal cheerleaders, unconditional love and faithful companionship. Yes…I'm in love with my dogs. Who would have thunk it.


Can't go into much detail here, but my furry critters should count themselves lucky. Not everyone is as kind to their animals as I. That point was driven home hard twice this week. My heart broke over what I saw. I just can't imagine my babies suffering so much. It makes me want to spoil them even more…


I don't think too much about where I am geographically. So I'm taken aback every now and then when I catch a glimpse of the snow-capped mountains just east of me. I never thought I'd live so close to mountains! And they're beautiful! And I can visit them whenever I want to! California is such an amazing state…there's so much here…diverse landscape. It takes my breath away. I'm working on a mental journal entry on that subject. When I get the words just right, probably after my next inspiring trip, I'll be posting all about it.


hate mowing my yard. And I live on a postage stamp. Really should have taken Hubby up on the offer to hire someone to do that while he's gone. Hate it, Hate it, Hate it! At least I got the weed-eater to start for me. Finally. I think this is the third time I've gotten it going since Hubby left.


I'm really looking forward to my Hubby coming home. Is summer over yet? Sure do miss him. (And not just because I want him here to mow the yard!) Even with my furry ones here, the house and bed are so empty without him here. L

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