Saturday, March 10, 2007

Comfort Zone

I've recently welcomed a new member to my clan.

She's sweet and demure, gentle and playful. Her face is flush with sweetness, her gestures do not mask her gentle spirit.

It's so hard to believe that a week ago, someone abandoned this sweet child. Her disposition was so evident to me when I first met her. She sat quietly in her kennel, while all the other dogs in the place were going nuts. Jumping and barking…begging for attention. She just sat, surrounded by strange smells, noises and an unfamiliar environment. These were not the comforts of home that she was surely accustomed to.

The night that I brought her home, to her new identity and her new life, she was still in her shell. Another unfamiliar setting, although this one was more likely closer to her former existence. A yard, the comforts of home and an energetic companion. She hadn't realized it yet, but this would be her final stopping place - a true home full of unconditional love and support.

She's spent the past few days glued to my side. I have a new shadow. This one is still looking to find her footing. She is most likely still reeling from the loss of her former family - abandoned after almost a year and a half of faithful companionship. But I think she's finding her way.

She is settling into this new life…learning that she's found a home. I hope she knows that this is forever. Once accepted into this clan, you've found your place in the world.

She's allowing her personality to shine through - she's very loyal and loving. She enjoys taunting and playing with her new big brother. She's curious about the felines in the house, but passive when they show their aggressive side. Not overly vocal, she seems willing to roll with the tide.

I see her settling in and it warms my heart. She's rebuilding confidence that was surely shattered when her former family left her. I will work diligently to gain her trust. I want her to know that she will never be abandoned again.

She's still my shadow, following me from room to room and laying at my feet. She's started to shadow her big brother - wanting to know what he's up to, wanting to play. But she returns to me. She's still seeking approval, and it will probably be awhile before she realizes that she's finally home. I hope that day comes soon, and that she finally finds comfort.

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