Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My Greatest Teacher

It takes patience to bring a dog into your life. If you don't have it from the start, you'll learn it mighty quickly.

Fred taught me a lot in the ways of patience. He's a bit thick skulled…literally and figuratively. He's very smart - it just takes awhile to get your point through to him. He was somewhere between six and seven months old when he trampled into our lives. None of us have looked back since.

We worked with Fred so much. There were bad habits to break. He nipped at people in a playful way. I knew that this wouldn't be good - especially since we lived in an apartment building that was crawling with kids. So that was task number one - no nipping.

He was mostly housebroken when he joined our family. It didn't take long to find a schedule that worked for everyone.

And he barked at everything. Everything. We would leave the television on for him when we weren't home in hopes of distracting him. It didn't help that our apartment building had an echoing stairwell and paper-thin walls. And everyone slammed their front door. We tried so many forms of punishment before we discovered the one that worked best.Separation from his people. By scolding Fred and sending him "to bed" in the back of the house, we found the punishment that finally worked. Banished to the back of the apartment to sit alone, until we called him to rejoin us. This punishment actually worked so well that he would begin to punish himself when he accidentally let a bark slip out. It's quite humorous…first there's a low "woof." then you see the look on his face that just says, "Oh crap." He hangs his head, lowers his tail and slinks off to the bedroom, awaiting his cue to rejoin the family.

He never has learned the proper way to walk on a leash. And he'll jump on you in greeting. Until you knee him in the chest, that is. Once you do that, he realizes that you know that little trick and he's less likely to try it on you again.

And the pup needs Ritalin. Big time. He's so full of energy that he's always bouncing off the walls.

But he's the best boy. You can't beat Fred when it comes to enthusiasm. He's got it oozing out of his pores. You can totally trust him when it comes to your food. To the point that you can set a dish down and walk into another room, and he won't touch it. He'll offer to stand guard, and helpfully come to remind you that you've left something in the other room if you're away too long. Fetch is his favorite game. He loves to go for rides in the car. Loves sticking his big, goofy head out the window. If you're scratching him, and you're not quite hitting his sweet spot, he'll helpfully guide your hand in the right direction. The "stay" command can be iffy. But he'll do it when it counts, and he comes when you call.

The biggest trial that we went through with Fred was the dreaded chewing stage. That pup chewed up everything! Remote controls, shoes (my favorite pair!), bookcases, books (a duo by Stephen King - after "reading the first, he justhad to know how the story ended!), CDs…the list goes on and on. In fact, someone correctly identified our cordless phone because of the teeth marks on it when we left it outside.

Fred is a legend in and upon himself. People fall in love with him - they can't help it. He's so goofy and easy-going. The girls at work got a taste of his silly style at the dog park. I would toss one tennis ball, and he would return with two. He would chase his ball, and on his way back would stop to pick up any other ball that might happen to be in his path. Eventually, we had every tennis ball in the park at our feet.

The lady we would leave him with in Germany when we went trekking off across the continent became known as his "German Mom." Frau Krut was the best, and Fred loved her. When he saw us take out his toy bag, he knew where he was going, and we couldn't move fast enough for him! She loved him so much that she would let him stay in her house with her, and not out in the kennels with the other dogs. I'm so glad that his last days in Germany were spent in her care.

Fred found himself shuffling between families when Hubby and I were "homeless" in Florida. He spent a few days with Hubby's brother and SIL and their pup, then followed me back to my parents' house for a few weeks. Upon our departure from Florida, he instilled himself at my brother and SIL's house - blending in with their labs in a mix of flying fur. It was the best times for him, I think…life on the Lab farm.

Somehow we survived his puppy hood. We taught him how to be a somewhat socialized beast, and in return he taught us patience and gives us unconditional love and enthusiasm. Most importantly, he taught me about loving a dog.

Now here I am again. Sadie Marie has joined our clan at the ripe age of fourteen months. Not a girl, not yet a woman.The rules of the household have already been established, and she's working on finding her place in this puzzle.

So far, her biggest challenge is getting on the potty schedule. It is breaking my heart to do it, but until she totally figures it out, she's having to spend her nights sleeping in her crate. I'm heaping praise upon her when she does her deed on the schedule - and I think it's finally sinking in.

To make up for the nighttime crating, she comes to work with me every day. She's got a crate at work, and it is her little cave. The door only closes when I have to leave the office. She's free to roam the office otherwise. The socialization is working well for her. She's a bit shy - leery of everyone else in the office for the most part. She'll stick to me like glue, and look at me for reassurance before considering whether or not to entertain the offers of rubs from others.

We're setting boundaries. She's mastered the art of waiting before entering and exiting the car. She's learned that both the cat food bowls and the litter box are off limits. Trash cans are a no-no, and we're still working on that. She doesn't bark much, and receives a stern reprimand when she does. She comes when she is called, and is learning to ignore the Chihuahuas on the other side of the fence. She walks on a leash wonderfully.

She plays well with Fred. And is content to sit on the couch with me. It is amazing to see her "turn off" the lab in her and just lay down and be calm and mellow. Then I see her running around the house and yard, teasing and taunting Fred, flashing her teeth and enticing him to play.

Yes - for the most part we've been spared some of the worst of puppy hood with both dogs. But we've wound up with wonderful creatures in our lives - showering us with unconditional love and companionship. Sadie has been in my life for only a few weeks, and I already feel lost when we're separated. I love that she follows me around and spends the day in the office with me.

Never in a million years did I think I would feel the way that I do about any dog, much less the two that have found their places in our clan. Fred opened a door for me - and having survived his puppy hood together, I'm prepared to offer love to other dogs. In a way, I guess, he made it possible for Sadie to join the clan.

For Fred, I will forever be grateful. He has taught me well.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


I'm celebrating my thirty first birthday this weekend. Somehow, it doesn't feel like a weekend out of the ordinary. I'll be gardening, grocery shopping and relaxing on Saturday. I picked up some gorgeous flowers after work Friday night. Sunday, I may slip out for a pedicure and some light shopping early in the day. Then I'm meeting up with some friends in the early afternoon for a rousing game of cards (Nertz!) and dinner. Then, probably more cards. It'll be fun.

I don't really feel the need to make a big deal out of birthdays these days. I've never felt comfortable having the spotlight all to myself, anyways.

Another year gone by, things stay pretty much the same. But each year gets better and better. I like that.


I am such a freak. It's over eighty degrees outside, and I'm not running the air conditioner. I've got the windows thrown open and every fan on in the house. I guess that living five years without a/c did something positive for me. I'll save the a/c for when it hits ninety….


Gardening amazes me. What's so amazing? Besides the fact that I seem to be somewhat good at it? Seeing something grow…monitoring its progress day after day. It seems like yesterday that some of these things were just bulbs in the ground, and today they're blooming. Yesterday, there was no color. Today, the plant is awash in bright blooms. I'm loving nurturing these things. Seeing them thrive and grow under the care of my watchful eye. Amazing, indeed.


LOVE my dogs. Big words, coming from me. See, I'm a cat person. C-A-T. But Fred opened my heart to a love I didn't think could exist, and here it is. And Sadie just deepened that love. Both of my dogs were not wanted by someone else. I've taken in their cast-offs and fallen in love with them. I have eternal cheerleaders, unconditional love and faithful companionship. Yes…I'm in love with my dogs. Who would have thunk it.


Can't go into much detail here, but my furry critters should count themselves lucky. Not everyone is as kind to their animals as I. That point was driven home hard twice this week. My heart broke over what I saw. I just can't imagine my babies suffering so much. It makes me want to spoil them even more…


I don't think too much about where I am geographically. So I'm taken aback every now and then when I catch a glimpse of the snow-capped mountains just east of me. I never thought I'd live so close to mountains! And they're beautiful! And I can visit them whenever I want to! California is such an amazing state…there's so much here…diverse landscape. It takes my breath away. I'm working on a mental journal entry on that subject. When I get the words just right, probably after my next inspiring trip, I'll be posting all about it.


hate mowing my yard. And I live on a postage stamp. Really should have taken Hubby up on the offer to hire someone to do that while he's gone. Hate it, Hate it, Hate it! At least I got the weed-eater to start for me. Finally. I think this is the third time I've gotten it going since Hubby left.


I'm really looking forward to my Hubby coming home. Is summer over yet? Sure do miss him. (And not just because I want him here to mow the yard!) Even with my furry ones here, the house and bed are so empty without him here. L

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Comfort Zone

I've recently welcomed a new member to my clan.

She's sweet and demure, gentle and playful. Her face is flush with sweetness, her gestures do not mask her gentle spirit.

It's so hard to believe that a week ago, someone abandoned this sweet child. Her disposition was so evident to me when I first met her. She sat quietly in her kennel, while all the other dogs in the place were going nuts. Jumping and barking…begging for attention. She just sat, surrounded by strange smells, noises and an unfamiliar environment. These were not the comforts of home that she was surely accustomed to.

The night that I brought her home, to her new identity and her new life, she was still in her shell. Another unfamiliar setting, although this one was more likely closer to her former existence. A yard, the comforts of home and an energetic companion. She hadn't realized it yet, but this would be her final stopping place - a true home full of unconditional love and support.

She's spent the past few days glued to my side. I have a new shadow. This one is still looking to find her footing. She is most likely still reeling from the loss of her former family - abandoned after almost a year and a half of faithful companionship. But I think she's finding her way.

She is settling into this new life…learning that she's found a home. I hope she knows that this is forever. Once accepted into this clan, you've found your place in the world.

She's allowing her personality to shine through - she's very loyal and loving. She enjoys taunting and playing with her new big brother. She's curious about the felines in the house, but passive when they show their aggressive side. Not overly vocal, she seems willing to roll with the tide.

I see her settling in and it warms my heart. She's rebuilding confidence that was surely shattered when her former family left her. I will work diligently to gain her trust. I want her to know that she will never be abandoned again.

She's still my shadow, following me from room to room and laying at my feet. She's started to shadow her big brother - wanting to know what he's up to, wanting to play. But she returns to me. She's still seeking approval, and it will probably be awhile before she realizes that she's finally home. I hope that day comes soon, and that she finally finds comfort.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Love At First Sight

Earlier this month, one of the girls at the shelter came into the office and told me that someone had come in and owner released a black lab. They all know that I have a soft spot for black labs, and think that Fred is a total character.

I asked about her - she's a year and a half old and came from a pet store. The lady that turned her over had her and an older dog, but the lab kept getting out of the fence and they live on a busy street. She's spayed and has all of her shots. She's absolutely gorgeous and a great dog.

I just looked at her. A year and a half old? Why…she's practically out of puppy hood! Only six more months to go and she'll be finished chewing!

I brushed it off…I've got my hands full with Fred as it is. And Hubby isn't around. I promised him that we could get another dog…when he comes back, and I have closet doors (I like my shoes, after all), and we have all the proper equipment for a puppy. Like a crate to keep one in when we're not home. You know…to protect my shoes. And the remote controls. And the furniture.

Well, a couple of days go by, and I have to wander up to the adoption center to let a photographer for the city newsletter in. While he's doing his thing, I walk over to say hello to the dogs. And there she is. The beautiful lab stranded in the adoption center. Purebred or not…those papers will never matter again. She's been abandoned by her family, and is now in a chaotic and unfamiliar place.

My heart melted. I stuck my fingers through the kennel door and she started showering them with kisses. Why, she's so sweet! How could anyone get rid of her?

For the rest of the day, she was stuck in my head. I kept thinking about that sweetheart in the kennel, so timid and scared.

The next day started off like a normal day. It wasn't until well after I was at work that I was struck. Sadie would be such a perfect name for her! Sadie Sullivan. Sadie Marie. Sadie.


Suddenly her fate was sealed. I knew she'd be coming home with me. Fred would be so happy - he's needed a companion for so long! Someone to help him expel some of the energy he seems to have so much of. Someone to keep him company during the day. I emailed my Hubby - half a world away - and broke the news. I wanted this dog to come home. We need her. She probably needs us.

That night, on my way home from work, I stopped by the pet store and picked up a name tag. There, in my hand, was Sadie's gold. Her golden tag - Sadie Sullivan.

This morning, I gave Fred a pep talk. You're going to be a big brother, I told him, you have to show Sadie the ropes around here. You have to tell her about the schedule, the cats and that we don't roughhouse inside. You'll share your room with her, and your toys. You're going to be a great big brother, I just know it!

So today, Sadie was bathed and ready to go when I got off work. I had already made arrangements for her - I purchased a crate from a girl at work (my shoes need saving, you know) and spent my lunch break at the pet store, buying Sadie a new leash, bowls and rawhides.

After work, I stopped by the adoption center with Sadie's tag in my pocket and her leash flung around my neck. A couple of quick signatures, and she was brought out - clean and shiny and wearing a brand new collar. A quick slip on of her new tag and a clip of the leash, and we're off! She's such a good girl - right into the car and on our way to her new home.

I had put some thought into this…how am I going to introduce her to her big brother? He has no clue she's coming home!

I slipped her into the back yard using the side gate. She can have a few minutes to explore on her own while I get in the front door and greet Fred.

Fred and I go through our normal afternoon routine - I come in the door and deactivate the alarm and he's ecstatic to see me. We have out greeting, but this time it's different. I smell like someone else. He sniffs the leash in my hand…and runs his nose over my clothes. Who is that? Why do you smell like someone else?!?

I lead him to the sliding glass door and open the door letting him outside. A normal part of our routine, only this time I follow. Sadie isn't in sight yet - she's still sniffing out the Fred scents around the corner. I call out for Sadie, and she comes bolting around the corner. Fred is caught off guard - who is this?

His initial reaction, spawned by surprise, is to snap at her. A quick correction from me pulls him out of that, and he's instantly curious. Fred and Sadie spend time in the back yard getting to know each other. After just a few minutes, a bond is established and they're sharing Fred's favorite outdoor ball and romping in the yard.

Yes - Fred is so happy to have another dog in our clan!

The cats, however, are not amused.

After Fred and Sadie got through their initial high energy greeting, I let them in the house so that Sadie could explore. It didn't take her long to discover two cats residing in the house! They were under the dining room table, and not happy to find this new addition to the family.

Sadie is, of course, curious about these creatures. They hiss and swat. She backs away and tries to play. It's only a matter of time before contact is made and she discovers that they have no claws.

Sadie is a pup - she needs guidance and patience. We have some work to do. Don't chase the cats. That's not your toy. The litterbox is not a vending machine. No roughhousing inside. Stay away from the cat food. Your bowls are over here. "Stay" means stay. And we have to get her on our schedule.

Life will be good for Sadie here. She has a high energy playmate to keep her busy. There is plenty of love in this clan to go around. She's a sweetheart, and a welcome addition to the clan. Indeed.

She may be a purebred, but that never matters once they're in a shelter. Besides - I've got the most important papers in her life now - adoption papers! I can't believe I fell in love at first sight.

I can't wait for her Daddy to come home and meet her.

Monday, March 5, 2007

My Heep Sighting

So I'm driving home after work, talking on the phone with MyJody when I see it. Of course, it was getting dark, and I was driving by as it was stopped, waiting to turn left onto the street that I was driving on.

I almost didn't acknowledge it...I recognized the Jeep front end immediately and my mind automatically dismissed it as a Liberty. But then I noticed that the back was different...better...why it was a Patriot! The first one I've seen!

My conversation went something like this:

"So I'm out of bed at 7:30 am on Saturday, and working in the garden by 8:15 and...Holy SHIT! That's a PATRIOT! I've never actually seen one before...I should turn around and drive past it again...IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!! Oh My God!! It's so Beautiful!!"

MyJody, a Liberty owner, just started laughting and said, "Mid-sentence, no less!"

He totally understands me...he's on his second Jeep and it's his old Cherokee that I originally fell in love with.

And the Patriot was a dark blue one. That seals it for me. I'm soooo going dark blue. 

Indeed...2008 shall be my year for a Heep.  I soooo can't wait!!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Four Months Gone

Today marks four months since Hubby officially left home on his journey to the sandbox. What has happened and changed over the past month?

- Number of meals cooked this month: 0 
Running total for deployment: 0 
(Note that I do not count frozen pizzas, chicken nuggets or baking a hamburger in the oven as cooking.)

- Ah…cooking. I feel a resurgence of this fine art coming to light in the Sullivan household. I'm becoming addicted to Pampered Chef and all of the neat little kitchen gadgets they offer. Yes…new recipes, new tools, new goals. When Hubby gets home, he'll be pleasantly surprised.

- Just like his last deployment, the first three months flew by, only to reach a screeching halt for month four. The days are creeping by, and I can't wait for him to come home. Just a few more months to go!

- Scrapalooza has taken a bit of a back seat to the great outdoors. I know, I know…how will I ever get caught up if I keep on procrastinating?This month saw the completion of only 36 pages. I haven't given up totally, it's just that spring is…uh…springing around here and I just can't seem to stay indoors!

- Ah, spring. Outdoor projects. I've tackled the paver project alongside the house, laying the foundation of my container garden. I'm very proud of my work! Also purchased a patio umbrella to make the back patio more bearable during the summer heat. I've tackled the embarrassing weed patch next to Hubby's parking space and have gotten rolling on populating my container gardens! I've even put in a flower bed between our back patio and the fence! I genuinely hope that I'm finished with all the heavy lifting in the garden for the year. I want to focus on planting from here on out! I'm formulating plans for planting when I'm assured of true spring weather - dahlias, zinnias, gazanias, jasmine, lavender, strawflowers, sunflowers and osteospermums…oh, my! I plan to unleash a riot of color in my front garden, and a bit of a cottagy feel in the back garden. I can't wait!

- Additions to the garden this month include golden yellow hibiscus, blue(!) hibiscus, four strawberry plants, two Spanish lavenders, two French lavenders, an ever blooming gardenia, and the planting of dahlia tubers. Also received a gift of mystery tubers that I plan to plunk in the ground today…we'll see what I got! Also expanded my collection of pots, and am constantly on the prowl for more!

- Hubby will be proud of me when he hears the extent I went to to protect the black beast from a passing hail storm! In an effort to keep hisPrecious ding-free, I braved the frigid storm to move his car under an overhang in the corp yard at work…dousing myself with freezing cold water from the lid of a garbage bin in the process. All was well…the car escaped injury. I didn't catch cold. Yaay!

- Reports from the Front...we have a super field officer that is capable of corralling multiple animals in a single call. The only field officer I know that has had the need to call for back up because his truck doesn't have enough room for all of his animals! This month, he caught the Great Dane that we chased all across the city. And there was much rejoicing. Animal Services answers the call of animals in need, careening down the highway to make it to a vet hospital in order to rescue animals from an electrical fire! Everyone made it out safely, and all the animals were ferried to a local kennel for safekeeping. We also met our weird quota in one day…accepting owner surrenders of a rat and a rescue of an injured wild bird. Side note on the rat…he is destined for great things! Originally purchased as food for a pet snake, he escaped that grizzly fate when said snake died before getting the opportunity to feast. We suspect foul play on part of the rat. He bears a striking resemblance to the rat I had in my garage, and we all know that HE was a wily one! Also…had to chase the bird around the office when he escaped from his basket. Only Animal Services could have a day like that and take it in stride!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Luck 'O The Irish

How incredibly lucky I am!

I'm living a wonderful life. I'm married to a fabulous man! We have absolutely adorable little furballs, and we've shared some amazing experiences. We've been to amazing places, and look forward to seeing so much more together.

From the outside looking in, it might not seem like much. We've lived an odd existence - having to struggle at times to get by. We often start with so little and have to build our lives back up. Only to have things change and have to start all over again. It can be challenging, and it can be exhausting.

We've faced enormous obstacles, not the least of which is our constant separation. People tell me all the time that they don't see how it can be done. Well, we're doing it, and handling it just fine, thankyouverymuch.

Sure, we spend a lot of time apart, it seems. Really, it just makes us appreciate our time together even more. We recognize how precious time really is, and relish what we get to spend together. If we only get forty minutes to talk on the phone in the span of two weeks, we make the most of it.

We have a unique relationship. We rely on each other so much, yet are fully capable of standing on our own. We can count on each other, yet fend for ourselves when we need to.

I guess you could say that we're resourceful.

I absolutely adore the man that I married. He has a heart like none other that I've seen. He's genuine and remains true to himself. True to us. He is always willing to make sacrifices to make life better for us. I love him more and more every day.

It is because of him that I am the woman that I am today. I've learned how to love, how to give myself freely. I've also built incredible strength of character and gained such confidence. All because of my relationship with my husband.

He's my love, my life and my hero.