Tuesday, November 21, 2006


love my home.  Of all the houses that my husband and I have shared, this one is by far my favorite.

We've shared five different dwellings, and this one is the first one that is trulyours.  It's the first home that we've actually purchased, and it is absolutely liberating.  Once I got past the gut-wrenching realization that I'm more in debt than I ever thought I would be now that we've taken on a mortgage, and my blood stopped running cold at the thought that we are the ones that will be responsible for what happens in and around the house, I found myself in awe.  This is our new home.  Ours!

I immediately took on the task of stamping our own personal signature on the house.  After years of living in rented places, and being restricted by the rules of others, the stark white walls throughout our house have been banished.  Gone in favor of warm caramels, sunny yellows, bold reds and the tranquility of greens and creams.  If you want to find a white wall in our house, you'll have to look in the closets.  Even the walls in the garage have been painted – though not by me…I'm not that obsessive!  But if they hadn't already been painted a light cream, I very well may have started allowing my eye to wander to those walls as well. 

Filling the house with our styles and tastes has been a joy for me.  I've agonized over decisions, changed some plans that I've got stored away in my head, and remain undecided on a few items.  I'll hammer out a final decision when the time comes, but in the mean time, I'll visualize all the possibilities in my mind.

We've made some minor changes to the house – changing out dated light fixtures in favor of more contemporary styles, discarding outdated ceiling fans in favor of newer styles, hiding the cookie-cutter white mini blinds behind colorful drapes and warm wooden blinds.  Hubby has personalized the garage to suit his needs – adding more storage, cutting an access to the attic and removing some shelves to make room for equipment that was vying for wall space.  We're making small changes now, with more major changes on the way.  When I look at the physical appearance of our home, I don't see it for what it is, I see it for what it has the potential to become. 

Over the years, we've selected pieces of furniture for our home that serve not only functional purposes, but also express a desire to create a cohesive design that reflects our style of living.  Having traded out mish-mashed hand-me-down furniture that merely served a purpose, if only temporary, for these newer pieces helps to contribute to the sense of satisfaction that I feel when I look around our home.  This space reflects who we are.  It is our home

I've worked hard to make our home warm and inviting.  I've rallied the troops (myself and Hubby) to clear away clutter in order to make our home more streamlined.  And I am absolutely in love with the results!  We have a warm and cozy living and dining area, a bright and sunny bedroom that easily darkens to block out the sun for lazy afternoon naps, a cheery guest room and a functional and efficient office. 

Our hallway and a prominent wall in the living area are filled with a gallery of favorite photos that highlight our families and our travels, as well as souvenirs collected on our many adventures.  When people enter our home, they naturally gravitate to these displays of our favorite memories.  We're always happy to share the story behind whatever picture has caught someone's eye.  It's a way of sharing our lives…inviting someone in.

I feel that I have truly created a nest for myself, Hubby and our furry critters to snuggle in and enjoy our time together.  Sometimes, when given the choice of spending a quiet evening at home or going out and spending an evening out on the town, I prefer to choose staying home.  This is our sanctuary, our own personal space and I revel in spending time with my husband and our furry ones behind these cozy and protective walls. 

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